Quotes with woman]

Quotes 61 till 80 of 773.

  • Benjamin E. Mays Every man and woman is born into the world to do something unique and something distinctive and if he or she does not do it, it will never be done.
    Benjamin E. Mays
    American Baptist minister and civil rights leader (1894 - 1984)
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  • Will Rogers Every time a woman leaves off something she looks better, but every time a man leaves off something he looks worse.
    Will Rogers
    American actor and humorist (1879 - 1935)
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  • Friedrich Nietzsche Everything in woman hath a solution. It is called pregnancy.
    Friedrich Nietzsche
    German poet and philosopher (1844 - 1900)
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  • Jose Ortega Y Gasset Excellence means when a man or woman asks of himself more than others do.
    Jose Ortega Y Gasset
    Spanish writer and philosopher (1883 - 1955)
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  • Casey Stengel Going to bed with a woman never hurt a ball player. It's staying up all night looking for them that does you in.
    Casey Stengel
    American basketbal player and manager (1890 - 1975)
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  • Leigh Hunt Great woman belong to history and to self sacrifice.
    Leigh Hunt
    British poet, essaywriter (1784 - 1859)
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  • Desiderius Erasmus Heaven grant that the burden you carry may have as easy an exit as it had an entrance. [Prayer To A Pregnant Woman]
    Desiderius Erasmus
    Dutch humanist and philosopher (1469 - 1536)
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  • Iris Murdoch I think being a woman is like being Irish. Everyone says you're important and nice, but you take second place all the same.
    Iris Murdoch
    Anglo-Irish novelist and philosopher (1919 - 1999)
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  • Edgar W. Howe If a woman doesn't chase a man a little, she doesn't love him.
    Edgar W. Howe
    American journalist and writer (1853 - 1937)
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  • Carol Gilligan Implicitly adopting the male life as the norm, they have tried to fashion women out of a masculine cloth. It all goes back to Adam and Eve a story which shows... that if you make a woman out of man, you are bound to get into trouble.
    Carol Gilligan
    American feminist, ethicist and psychologist (1936 - )
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  • Paul Geraldy It is the woman who chooses the man who will choose her.
    Paul Geraldy
    French writer and poet (1885 - 1983)
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  • Yves Saint-Laurent It pains me physically to see a woman victimized, rendered pathetic, by fashion.
    Yves Saint-Laurent
    French fashion designer (1936 - 2008)
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  • Robert Frost Man that is of woman born is apt to be as vain has his mother.
    Robert Frost
    American poet (1874 - 1963)
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  • André Maurois Memory is a great artist. For every man and for every woman it makes the recollection of his or her life a work of art and an unfaithful record.
    André Maurois
    French writer (ps. van mile Herzog) (1885 - 1967)
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  • Henry Louis Mencken No matter how long he lives, no man ever becomes as wise as the average woman of forty-eight.
    Henry Louis Mencken
    American journalist and critic (1880 - 1956)
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  • Carl Sandburg Shame is the feeling you have when you agree with the woman who loves you that you are the man she thinks you are.
    Carl Sandburg
    American Poet (1878 - 1967)
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  • Anita Brookner She was a handsome woman of forty-five and would remain so for many years.
    Anita Brookner
    British Writer (1928 - 2016)
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  • William Shakespeare She's beautiful, and therefore to be wooed; She is a woman, therefore to be won.
    William Shakespeare
    English playwright and poet (1564 - 1616)
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  • Sam Levenson Somewhere on this globe, every ten seconds, there is a woman giving birth to a child. She must be found and stopped.
    Sam Levenson
    American author (1911 - 1980)
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  • David Herbert Lawrence The great living experience for every man is his adventure into the woman. The man embraces in the woman all that is not himself, and from that one resultant, from that embrace, comes every new action.
    David Herbert Lawrence
    English writer (1885 - 1930)
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